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Hatha Yoga – Steer Your Mind and Body to the Ultimate Fitness

When it comes to a yoga style of fitness, Hatha Yoga is one of the most commonly practiced forms. Regardless you are a sports person, a couch potato or a teen, this ancient yoga form helps you establish the right chord between mind and body. The more you search about Hatha yoga, the more you will learn about its fitness benefits.


As said by yoga gurus, Hatha yoga was introduced in the 15th century in India. In its early days, it was recognized as a yoga activity that prepares the body for long time meditation. Basically, it involves various physical postures, called ‘asanas’.

The Meaning of the Word ‘Hatha’

The word ‘Hatha’ indicates a duality between the sun (“ha”) and the moon (“tha”). As it combines these opposite stars together, it is sometimes known as ‘Yoking yoga’ too. Through various body postures (asanas) and pranayama, Hatha Yoga results in the ideal harmony of body and mind.


Hatha Yoga is structured on the concept of multiple ‘limbs’. While yoga styles like Ashtanga is practiced on eight limbs, Hatha Yoga is practiced on six limbs.

Derivative Yoga Styles

As one of the most ancient style of yoga, Hatha Yoga at times serves as a base to many other modern yoga styles. For instance, Ansura yoga uses Hatha yoga as the foundation of many of its activities or poses. Beginners are more likely to find the substrate of Hatha Yoga in their schedule.

One of the latest buzz in the yoga community, hot yoga is also structured on the traditional Hatha Yoga. In Hot Yoga, one needs to practice 26 poses of Hatha Yoga over a period of 90 minutes in a heated room. Also special Yoga poses have become very popular as post natal exercises in Zurich (“rückbildungsgymnastik in zürich” in German language).

Health Benefits

As said earlier, Hatha Yoga comprises of two elements – Asanas and Pranayama. Asians are various postures of the body that are developed to improve the fitness of the body and take out diseases like diabetes, arthritis and hypertension from subtle and normal bodies. The regular practice of asanas will help you obtain increased strength, stamina, endurance, flexibility and mobility in your body.

Pranayama mainly involves breathing techniques. It is also called meditation. This is the most important part of ancient Hatha Yoga, where one can gain complete control over its mind and breathe. It can make you feel good and relaxed. It also boosts your self-confidence and improves your concentration skills. Daily practicing pranayama will help you realize the source of energy within your body. Pranayama can also help one recover from the breathing disorders like asthma and bronchitis.

Is Practicing Hatha Yoga good for me?

From the complete physical fitness, toning of internal organs and development of the anti-stress mechanism to the spiritual wellness, Yoga is a great way to enrich your life. So, what are you waiting for? Find a good yoga studio in your city and choose the right style of yoga for you.